b'P A R T N E R S H I P S FIRST AID & CPR TRAININGI N S P I R E LearningSAIL provides a variety of educational training opportunities throughout the year. Last fall, nine providers participated and were certi\x1e ed in a First Aid/CPR and Fire Safety class, organized by SAIL at a nominal costReamstown Partners to the providers.L uthercare continues to be the leadPotentially lifesaving classes like these are required trainingswith Cocalico partner in the SAILSystems Aligned in LearningProgram. Thefor home-based providers, but they can be challengingSchool Districtcollaborative effort, funded by a grantto coordinate and organize, says Lorita. Through our from the United Way of Lancastercollaboration, we take care of arranging the classes and County, provides home-basedproviding snacks or meals. Our goal is to make it as easy as childcare programs with the resourcespossible for the providers to take part in trainings like these. In fall 2019, Luthercare for KidsReamstown they need to support kindergartenannounced a collaboration with Cocalico School readiness and lifelong success. The other SAIL partners are PennPROVIDER MEET & GREETS District to begin operating its Pre-K Counts Program Medicine Lancaster General Health,SAIL support goes beyond the scheduledat a new location, Reamstown Elementary School. the Library System of Lancastermonthly visits. Regular Meet and Greet eventsPre-K Counts is a state-funded preschool class for County, and COBYS Family Services. enable providers to share stories, ideas and nancially eligible children who are between age 3 experiences. In 2019, the Meet and Greet modeland until the entry age for kindergarten.became more formal, and the sessions now focus onWe know children who attend high-quality pre-k lesson planning and sharing information to enhance support for families and children. As an example, 13 providers tookprograms like Pre-K Counts develop the skills they part in a fall session in which they learned about nutritionneed to be school-ready, says Lorita. Children while creating a healthy fruit salsa with baked whole wheatare better prepared both academically and with pita chips and learned about opportunities for physical activityimportant non-academic skills such as dispositions in the home to encourage active play. for learning, interpersonal interactions and social The SAIL partners focus on ensuringand emotional development. Our collaboration that children who attend in-home childcare programs receive the sameBe READy Rover with Reamstown Elementary offers children yet educational opportunities as childrenA FEW EXAMPLES OF THE WORK THE SAIL PROGRAManother important bene tmany will be in a who attend center-based programs.HAS ACCOMPLISHED IN THE PAST YEAR INCLUDE: Be READy Rover is a bookmobile dedicated to the promotionfamiliar, comfortable environment when they start Each partner contributes valuableof reading readiness in young children, lending books, SAIL distributed \x1e tness tubs to providers to boost physical activity in a fun,educational toys, materials, and activities, as well as providingkindergarten.assets to SAIL in a variety of ways,non-overwhelming way. training in early literacy practices, to in-home childcare providing health, \x1e tness, literacy,Pre-K Counts is ave-hour program. The class behavioral, social and emotionalTo promote good dental hygiene practices that will contribute to overallproviders. The monthly visits are free and include storytimeaccommodates 20 children, although not all are tools. Two of the partners visit thehealth, SAIL, in partnership with the Childrens Health Initiative, distributedand access to all library resources. The vans exterior will soonPre-K Counts slots. Before- and after-school care networks home-based providersapproximately 100 tooth brushing challenge kits to the children. have a new look, featuring artwork by popular childrens author Will Hillenbrand. The children will love it! saysfor the Pre-K Counts class is seamlessly offered at during monthly visits: the LibrarySAIL continued to strengthen and build on relationships with local schoolLorita. Reamstown Elementary. System provides the Be READydistricts to facilitate successful transitions into kindergarten.Rover bookmobile to lend books,Luthercare for KidsReamstown is located across educational toys, materials andAs many of the in-home providers only speak Spanish, our bilingual Mentorsthe street from the elementary school. It continues assisted Pennsylvania Department of Human Services representatives byFAMILY NIBBLES FOR HEALTHactivities, and a Luthercare for Kidsoffering translation services and providing support to providers just startingto offer early learning childcare services for infants, Mentor works directly with providers,the licensing process or going through the renewal process.To ensure children have access to healthy foods andtoddlers and preschoolers, as well as before- and teaching new skills and activities.recipes, Penn Medicine Lancaster General Healthafter-school care for school-age children at the They also offer additional trainingAt Christmas, all children were given a book from SAIL as one way toprovides easy-to-prepare recipe cards for providers opportunities throughout the year.continuing the learning process at home during the holiday break. and families alike. They also supply a monthlycenter. The proximity between the two makes it Through our collaboration, werenewsletter, available in English and Spanish, to theeasy and convenient for families who may have able to help more children in ourproviders that focuses on healthy eating. Each provider alsochildren in both places. community achieve kindergartenreceived a set of measuring cups and spoons, cookie cutters,We are already experiencing the positive impact readiness than ever before, saysand other items with a goal to make proper nutrition a fun activity with the children in their care! Even more activitiesthis wonderful collaboration is having on the Lorita Valente, Luthercare\'s Executiveplan to be added in 2020. children and families of the Reamstown community. Director of Community Programs.We look forward to a long relationship," says Lorita.8 9'