A Message from our President & CEO Regarding Campus COVID-19 Restrictions

As we enter this extended and more dangerous phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to prepare us for the challenge ahead. We know the vaccine is coming, and we are encouraged by reports that our industry could receive the first dosages. Until that time, we need to remember that this is a deadly virus.

We are also approaching the holiday season, a time for friends and families to gather together. How you handle this individually will play a part as to how well we can limit this impact. Our employees also have to understand how this will not only affect them and their families, but also their ability to care for all of you.

We can’t guarantee that we will not have this enter our campus again. We know what can happen when it does. We have learned great deal via our public health officials and organizationally as to how we can help limit the spread. Infection control practices have been rigorously reviewed both internally and through external survey partners. We have better access to personal protective equipment than we had in the preceding months.

In response to the surge of positive cases and increased hospitalizations, Luthercare is re-instituting many of the restrictions for residents and team members that we had in place earlier this year.

Together, with an abundance of heightened awareness, we can get through the next several months. I ask for your patience, your support and your adherence to our guidelines so that we are all together again into the New Year.

In Service,
Carl R. McAloose,
President & CEO

To view the COVID-19 restrictions at Luther Acres in Lititz, click here: https://bit.ly/3ftGGr6
To view the COVID-19 restrictions at St. John’s Herr Estate in Columbia, click here: https://bit.ly/3pWxYGM

2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610