Luther Acres Forum: ‘How Does Lititz Borough Grow’

Luther Acres residents will host a forum in February with invited Lititz Borough officials that will focus on “How Does Lititz Borough Grow?”

Join with residents on Monday, February 24, at 2 p.m. in the Community Room at the Luther Acres Towne Center, 250 St. Luke Drive, Lititz, to hear from Elijah Yearick, Director of Planning and Community Development for Lititz Borough; Karen Weibel, Lititz Planning Commission Member and Former Council President; and Steve Lee, Member of Lititz Borough Council and Former Planning Commission Chair.

We live in a wonderful town. We have lovely residential and commercial streets, thriving and interesting businesses, and a strong sense of place. What keeps our small town so dynamic and inviting? Lititz doesn’t “just grow.” It takes the hard work of many people — residents, borough staff, and elected and appointed officials. Come to February’s Forum to learn more about how Lititz grows. Discussion will include the planning process, trends for the future, and implementing major change, such as the development of the Wilbur property.


About Luthercare:

Founded in 1949, Luthercare, a social ministry organization affiliated with the Lower Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of Lutheran Services in America, is a leading provider of independent, personal care and skilled care residences in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Luthercare operates Luther Acres, a Continuing Care Retirement Community in Lititz, Pa.; Spang Crest, a rehabilitation center, skilled nursing and memory support personal care community in Lebanon, Pa.; and St. John’s Herr Estate, an independent living and personal care community in Columbia, Pa. Additionally, Luthercare operates four PA Keystone Stars-accredited child care and early learning centers in Lancaster, Marietta, Reamstown and Annville. Luthercare, a pioneer in Child Care Programs, also offers a Mentoring Program, which aids home-based child care providers in Lebanon and Lancaster counties.

2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610