Luthercare Issues COVID-19 Update and Visitation News: 9/1/2021

As we navigate the ongoing pandemic, our primary concern continues to be the health and well-being of those we serve. To mitigate the spread of the virus, we continue to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Department of Human Services, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

As reported on August 30, three Healthcare Center team members at Luther Acres have tested positive for COVID-19. Visitation to the Skilled Nursing Healthcare Center is currently suspended.

At Spang Crest, two Healthcare Center team members have tested positive for COVID-19. Visitation to first and third floors is currently suspended.

There are no active cases at St. John’s Herr Estate.

Our Social Services teams regularly update responsible parties with individual communication regarding COVID-19 updates and restrictions. If you are a responsible party and have questions, please contact your loved one’s assigned social worker at the following phone numbers: for Luther Acres, 717-626-1171; for St. John’s Herr Estate, 717-684-0678; for Spang Crest, 717-274-1495.


About Luthercare:

luther acres exterior blockFounded in 1949, Luthercare, a social ministry organization affiliated with the Lower Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of Lutheran Services in America, is a leading provider of independent, personal care and skilled care residences in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Luthercare operates Luther Acres, a Continuing Care Retirement Community in Lititz, Pa.; Spang Crest, a rehabilitation center, skilled nursing and memory support personal care community in Lebanon, Pa.; and St. John’s Herr Estate, an independent living and personal care community in Columbia, Pa. Additionally, Luthercare operates PA Keystone Stars-accredited child care and early learning centers in Marietta, Reamstown and Annville. Luthercare, a pioneer in Child Care Programs, also offers a Mentoring Program, which aids home-based child care providers in Lebanon and Lancaster counties.

2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610